Total No. of Vacancies: 01
Job Location: Kottyam (Kerala)
Last date for Submission of Application: 03.11.2017
Name of the Post & No of Vacancies:
HNL Invites Applications for the Following Posts
1. Safety Officer - 01
Educational Qualification:
1. Safety Officer - 01
I. Recognized Degree in any branch of Engineering or Technology with Degree or Diploma in Industrial Safety Engineering (60% Marks) from the Directorate of Technical Education /Central Labour Institute/Regional Labour Institute/Supervisory Development Centre, Govt. of Kerala with minimum 10 (ten) years experience as Safety Officer in a reputed Chemical Process Industry. Retired persons from State Government in the above capacity can also apply. Or
II. Diploma in any branch of Engineering or Technology recognized by the State Board of Technical Education with Degree or Diploma in Industrial Safety Engineering (60% Marks) from the Directorate of Technical Education /Central Labour Institute/Regional Labour Institute/Supervisory Development Centre, Govt. of Kerala with minimum 13 (thirteen) years experience as Safety Officer in a reputed Chemical Process Industry. Retired persons from State Government in the above capacity can also apply.